2016 National History Day: Exploration, Encounter & Exchange in History | Presbyterian Historical Society

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2016 National History Day: Exploration, Encounter & Exchange in History

Topics and Resources for NHD 2016:

William Henry Sheppard: first African-American Presbyterian missionary to the Congo. He fought for better working conditions for Congolese rubber workers.

Rev. William H. Sheppard with Baketti Warriors, about 1900. [Image no. 4185]



Sheldon Jackson: pioneering missionary in the American West. He introduced reindeer to Alaska.

Introduction of domesticated reindeer into Alaska: Laplander giving a child a ride, 1898. [Image no. 2961]



Eliza Spalding and Narcissa Whitman: first white women to cross the Continental Divide. They were missionaries to the Cayuse and Nez Perce Indians in Oregon Territory.

Traveling party including Eliza Spalding and Narcissa Whitman “on the Great Divide,” July 4, 1836. [Image no. 3495]



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