Spring 2020 Special Collecting: Easter and Pentecost | Presbyterian Historical Society

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Spring 2020 Special Collecting: Easter and Pentecost

July 19, 2020

After a month of quarantine, Easter appeared to us as a season of hope. Now, in the midst of continuing disease and after the deaths of scores of thousands of people in the United States, we face another long season of reckoning and responsibility.

Now feels like a good time to flash back to that April morning of hope, when churches everywhere celebrated the resurrection in new ways. 

Featured below is a short video showing some of the worship service recordings we collected as a part of our Easter 2020 initiative. All that we have curated to date can be accessed in their entirety in Pearl: digital.history.pcusa.org/EasterCovid19

Thank you to the 155 congregations and other worshiping communities that contributed video or audio recordings, sermon texts, and other Easter 2020 materials to this special PHS collection.

One more update regarding special collecting: we haven't neglected this Pentecost season, in which the people who stand for justice did not rest. 

We are preserving Presbyterian works, words, and worship by gathering publicly accessible video and audio into a Pentecost-Black Lives Matter collection. We currently have identified worship services, sermons, prayer groups, and pastoral messages germane to the current uprising, and have so far gathered them from 12 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. We invite your contributions to this moment in history as well. You can send us a link to your public video, or you can drop files into this public folder.