Topics of Note
There are many stories that can be revealed by looking at history through a Presbyterian lens. In this section, we provide a historical perspective on noteworthy topics.
A collection of published material presented in aid of PC(USA) congregations, mid councils, and other groups, who have undertaken research in order to repair past action against or inaction for racial justice.
August 28, 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. Here we feature resources about Presbyterian involvement with the March and other chapters of the Civil Rights movement.
American Presbyterians, like the nation at large, have found themselves divided by the controversies of their day.
From Western Pennsylvania to the world, missionary work has long been a hallmark of American Presbyterianism. Learn more about World Mission's impact on Presbyterian heritage.
Communion tokens were a familiar feature of Presbyterian worship in past centuries. John Calvin suggested that tokens be used "to prevent the profanation of the Lord's Table." Read more about the use of communion tokens inside and outside church sanctuaries.
2011 to 2015 marks the 150th anniversary of the American Civil War. Drawing from the collections entrusted to our care, we bring to light Presbyterian struggles and triumphs in the War Between the States.