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December 14, 2012

Eight congregations have received 2012 Heritage Microfilming Grants:

  • First Presbyterian Church of Newton (Elmhurst, N.Y.), founded in 1652
  • Ebenezer Presbyterian Church (Lewisville, Pa.), founded in 1789
  • First Presbyterian Church (West Union, Ohio), founded in 1800
  • First Presbyterian Church (Liberty, N.Y.), founded in 1810
  • Second Presbyterian Church
  • ...
July 20, 2012

Some of my PHS colleagues in a photo op we set up at General Assembly to accompany the Living History project


Last week I got back to the PHS office after my very first General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). I’ve heard a lot from my coworkers...

May 18, 2012

Margaret Merrick, PHS Records Manager, provides training to new stated clerks as part of the biannual orientations offered by the PC(USA) Office of the General Assembly. Orientations are held in May and November in Louisville, and Margaret presents sessions on using retention schedules, the disposition of records, and the challenges of managing and preserving electronic records. The training is designed to introduce new stated clerks to records management in both paper and electronic formats, as well as provide information on the services that PHS offers to mid councils.

Margaret is...

December 14, 2011

First Presbyterian Church, Bordentown, N.J., before removal of the steeple in 1914

First Presbyterian Church, Bordentown, New Jersey; and Covenant Presbyterian Church, Gresham, Oregon, have received 2011 Heritage Microfilming Grants. Funded this year by Fourth Presbyterian Church (Chicago, Ill.), the...

October 26, 2011

Does your congregation have a disaster plan that ensures the safety and preservation of its records? PHS offers Heritage Microfilming Grants, which provide support for congregations with preservation and financial needs to safeguard important church records on microfilm. Deadline for applications is October 31.

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