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July 22, 2024
Tucson Indian Training School students ready to leave for a basketball game off campus, Spring 1937. Pearl ID: islandora:362723

--by Elaine Shilstut, Nick Skaggs, and Allison Davis

In 1906, an 8-year-old Akimel O'odham (Pima) student named Annie Moore enrolled at the Tucson Indian Training School. “We were not allowed to speak the Pima tongue at school,” Moore would recall almost 70 years later...

November 16, 2023
Japanese American Incarceration Camp. Pearl ID: islandora:82698

As a researcher or someone interested in learning more about the past, you may have spent a lot of time exploring online databases for resources related to your topic of interest. During those hours of searching, you might stumble across some terminology that makes you pause. For example, you might discover colonial language related to Christian missionary work that elevates the white Protestant...

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