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October 14, 2014
During the 1920s, Americans began buying home radios in large numbers. Religious leaders, eager to connect with new audiences, used the new broadcast medium to spread the Gospel. 
Rev. S. Parkes Cadman (1864-1936), a Congregational minister in Brooklyn, NY, is widely considered the first radio pastor. Less well known, but no less important to the history of radio, is Rev. Dr. Theodore Savage, a Presbyterian minister who served as moderator during the question-and-answer section of Cadman’s show.
July 10, 2014

The First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia holds a special place in the history of the faith. In an 1830 letter to Albert Barnes, Samuel Miller of Princeton Theological Seminary called it “the mother of us all.” As the first Presbyterian church in Colonial America’s most Presbyterian city, it is the flagship church of early Presbyterianism.

Little of the original church remains, in part owing to the congregation’s mobility though the...

December 11, 2012

Food and cooking may not strike many as an integral part of Presbyterian heritage. However, if you were to search CALVIN, our online electronic catalog, and type in “cookbook” under Key word, you would retrieve 24 results. Try “cook book” and you get 19 results. Search “recipes” and you get 43 items. Throughout Presbyterian history congregations have been publishing recipes, most often in church anniversary publications or histories.


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