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June 14, 2022
Cover of Fund for Legal Aid for Racial and Intercultural Justice pamphlet, circa 1990-1993. Pearl ID: islandora:286248 [RG 534, Box 10, Folder 15]

The Emergency Fund for Legal Aid for Racial and Intercultural Justice (EFLA) Records have been processed as Record Group 534, and the guide to the records is now available:...

April 11, 2022
Cover of War, Peace, & Conscience: Resources for the Church's Ministry, 1970. [RG 533, Box 7, Folder 38]

The UPCUSA Emergency Ministry on Conscience and War (EMCW) Records have been processed as Record Group 533, and the guide to the records is now available:

July 26, 2021

The Church World Service Records have been processed as Record Group 529 and the guide to the records is now available:

In 1946, seventeen denominations formed Church World Service (CWS) as a relief agency. Churches throughout the United States provided over 11 million pounds of food and medical supplies to communities in...

July 26, 2021

In June 1996, the Rev. Dr. Mac Charles Jones led 38 pastors to Washington DC. These pastors had all served church buildings that were burned by white supremacists. For two days, the pastors met with the President of the United States, the attorney general, and members of Congress to share how the fires impacted their church communities and the racism they experienced in the aftermath of the arson. The pastors sharing their stories led to the creation of the...

March 15, 2021

In 1946, seventeen denominations formed Church World Service (CWS) as a relief agency. Churches throughout the United States provided over 11 million pounds of food and medical supplies to communities in Europe and Asia that were affected by World War II. In the next two decades, CWS expanded its work into Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East, and the mission of the organization shifted from providing immediate disaster relief to creating long-term development projects in partnership with local communities. CWS also began to work in...

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