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News, events, updates, and tidbits from the Presbyterian Historical Society. Use tags to read related articles or sort by author for similar posts written by PHS staff members and volunteers.

May 8, 2024
Eunice Blanchard Poethig at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Presbytery of Western New York Leader Training, circa 1990. Pearl ID: islandora:356168 [RG 545, Box 40, Folder 10]
The first quarter of 2024 flew by! Here’s an update on the impressive work the PHS archives staff have been doing so far this year.

Our 52 in-...

December 13, 2018

Many of the exciting new initiatives the Presbyterian Historical Society launched in 2018 are reflected in Pearl, the Society's home for digitized and born-digital collections. Pearl provides researchers online access to a rapidly growing repository of images, publications, audio, and video content. In 2018, 2,400 items were added.

Oral history content is one of the PHS initiatives that picked up digital steam in 2018. Staff traveled across the country to interview prominent Presbyterians and collect stories that fill...

July 16, 2018

Recent additions to the Pearl digital archive include a variety of foreign mission personal paper and photograph collections, a new web archives collection, and oral histories with...

April 4, 2018

The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA) is a free and open all-digital library that aggregates over 21 million digital items (and counting) from libraries, museums, archives, and other cultural heritage institutions across the country, making them searchable from one simple interface. In March, after almost a year of work, PHS officially joined DPLA as a new contributor, sharing a total of...

February 27, 2018

As African American History Month draws to a close, we are thrilled to announce the completion of an almost two-year effort to digitize and share more of the society’s African American history collections. This project was generously funded by a PHS donor and includes a variety of content--archival collections, photographs, video, and a periodical--that is now part of our online archives, Pearl.

The meaning...
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