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July 24, 2024
The Fundamentals: A Testimony, "Compliments of Two Christian Laymen," n.d. Image No. 4656.

By Kazimierz Bem [1]


Thanks to excellent research by Bradley Longfield (and others) the Fundamentalist-Modernist struggle among the Presbyterians is well known. In contrast, the Congregationalists are often portrayed as the more liberal, modernist sister...

August 29, 2023

--by Nancy Ehrlich

Oral tradition, written reminiscences, snippets of his public life, and a few public records offer glimpses of Nicholas Carper’s call to use his gifts and talents to preach God’s word.[1]

Nicholas Carper was born enslaved in 1776, probably in the western Virginia mountains. His mother, name unknown, was the property and daughter of German Evangelical John Jacob Carper. At some point, Nicholas and his mother came into the possession of Jeremiah James “Jerry” Jack of Huguenot descent...

March 20, 2023

--by Marsha Heimann

I was born in the middle of the United States. The Midwest values and work ethic were instilled in me at a very early age.  For as long as I can remember I was told to do the job well, to do the best I could, and to give to the best of my ability. That has followed me in everything I do. I also love to be creative and to think outside the box, which has allowed me to enjoy the results of a job well done.

My father was the President of a small liberal arts college in Iowa, so I witnessed the importance and success of building pride for the college in...

February 6, 2023

--by Zandra Maffett

I was an infant when my father the late Reverend Robert Lee Maffett founded Bethel Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, PA. My formative years, and those of the countless young people who passed through its doors, was nurtured, encouraged and supported by dedicated and loving adult leaders. Through its community center there were a variety of programs for adults and families.

Sadly today, congregations are smaller and many church...

November 21, 2022

Ninety-seven years ago, the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. joined the Reformed Church in America in support of the work of Rev. Jose Coffin of Chiapas. As we continue to document the Protestant heritage of Latin America and the Caribbean, we'd like to share this article by Princeton Seminary's Mark Lewis Taylor, originally published 27 October 1999 in The Christian Century, republished in part here with the author's permission...

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